プレスリリース Clitoraid.org and Dr. Marci Bowers urgently request correction to recent AP article The Raelian Movement and its sister organization, Clitoraid, join in the outrage over the Australian Government considering the introduction of female genital mutilation! Victims themselves answer San Francisco Chronicle critics of Clitoraid CLITORAID responds to critics: ‘This baseless smear campaign is costing genitally mutilated women the valuable support they need to get corrective surgery.’ Woman raped and genitally mutilated by Saudi employer seeks help, Hopes to receive surgical repair through CLITORAID Clitoraid-assisted FGM patient, 33, celebrates first orgasm! Clitoraid announces new round of clitoral repair surgeries in U.S. for FGM victims Clitoraid Graciously Accepts Steve Crowe’s Donation to help the Victims of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) NZBCF Turns Down $5,000 From Erotica Expo and Now Will Go to CLITORAID CLITORAID Offers to Help Repair Women Who Have Suffered Genital Mutilation In Colombia ページに進んで下さい << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >> Back to news overview