
2月 02 2015, カテゴリー: プレスリリース
2月4日トロントにて –女性器切断FGM被害者を支援する人道組織クリトレイドのボランティア外科医であるドクターヘニングは、、国際連盟認定されているFGMゼロトレランス(例外を許さない政策)の日でもある2月6日金曜日午前11時トロントのレイクショアにあるハンバー大学にて語ります。








11月25日国際女性暴力撤廃の日に、 クリトレイドは性器切断の終焉と快楽病院の就任を再び訴えます。

11月 25 2014, カテゴリー: プレスリリース
11月25日ラスベガスにて-国際健康団体によると、FGMによって苦しんでいる女性および少女は現在推定1億6千500万人だそうです。そしてもしこのトレンドが断続すれば、今から2030年までに世界中の約8600万人もの少女が女性器切断の危機にあるそうです。 その女性のほとんどがアフリカの女性でありますとクリトレイドのコミュニケーションディレクターのネイディン・ガーリーは言います。-米国に基ずく国際非政府組織は“この問題は現在グローバル的であり、そしてきっぱりと根絶すべきである"と声明しました。

"ユニバーサル人権宣言の第一条はすべての人間は生まれながらの自身の尊厳と権利の自由を平等に持っていると記述してあります。 これは個人の整合性を意味し、彼女の尊厳そして彼女の性器含め身体的な自律性であり、彼女の意思に反して違反してはならないのです!”"とゲーリーは言及します。

"そしてこれは女性の官能と性的快楽の喜びの権利も含まれています。" ゲーリーは言います。残念ながら、この官能と喜びの権利が(FGMを含む)女性への暴力を止めるために戦うためのすべに認識されるにはまだまだほど遠いです。しかしながら、それは基本的権利なのです。今日女性はまだこの権利を強く否定されています。たとえばケニアでは、女性器切断反対を戦う裁判で女性はセクシーすぎると公共の場で服を無理やり脱がせられます。そして英国では、再生手術はクリトリスが含まれていません(なぜならクリトリスが性的快楽だけの臓器であると考えられているからです)閉じ縫われている膣を開く手術はありますが、クリトリスの治療は存在していません。

これらの女性に彼女達の尊厳と喜びを取り戻させるためには、ブルキナファソのボボ・デュラソに建設したクリトレイドのカムカソ病院(快楽病院とも呼ばれています)を開業させる必要があります。 クリトレイドは2006年からFGMと戦ってきました。いつの日が国際連合UNが"FGMに対するいかなる違反も許さない対策 "を宣言するように、私達は2015年2月6日ゼロ・トラレンスの日にこの病院を就任を繰り返し努力して訴えます。

"私達はクリトリス再生手術を無料で被害者に提供しています。" ゲーリーは語り始めます。

宗教差別によっての理由から、不幸ながら行政は不利にも病院の就任を遅らせています。しかしながら、クリトレイドのアメリカの外科医はすべてボランティアにもかかわらず、 近くのクリニックにて38人もの被害者の切断された性器を救済することができました。これらの患者はブルキナファソはもとより、西アフリカやアフリカの角からの他の国からも訪問されました。クリトレイドの待機リストにはまだ100人以上の他の女性が載っており、これらの女性は彼女達の女性である尊厳と彼女達の感覚の喜びが取り戻すことを毎日のように頼んでいます。 (私達の手術は無料です。)


病院の就任式の間ゲーリーは説明します。 "ドクターメルシ・バウワーズやドクターヘニングのボランティア外科医はこの歴史的人道な活動をするためにブルキナファソまで旅行しています、そしてナイロビにいる他の外科医を指導するためにケニアにも飛びます。これらのドクター達、ドナーの親切さ、すべてのクリトレイドボランティアスタッフ、そして現代科学によって性器切断の被害者は 残酷に奪われた彼女達の感覚の喜びを取り戻すことができるのです。彼女達の女性である尊厳はついに完全に復元されるのです。"

Open Letter to Mrs. Compaore, First Lady of Burkina Faso, following her appearance on the show Africanité on TV5 World

10月 14 2014, カテゴリー: プレスリリース
Mrs. Compaore,

Please accept our sincere congratulations for your appearance on the show Africanité on channel TV5, this past September 27. We wish to express our heartfelt admiration and joy for your continued support in the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Faso including your support to Avfe-ClitorAid during the grand opening of our Kamkaso Hospital in Bobo Dioulasso that you had planned to inaugurate this past spring.

Unfortunately, several unpleasant and deliberate administrative setbacks resulting from religious discrimination delayed the opening and inauguration of the Hospital. Consequently, the ceremony had to be postponed. But despite this difficulty, our American surgeon volunteers were still able to help 38 FGM victims at a nearby clinic. These patients were from Burkina Faso, other neighboring countries, as well as from the Horn of Africa, all eager to undergo the surgical procedure. But today, the reality is that our waiting lists still grow and we have hundreds more women who implore us every day to help them regain their dignity and sense of pleasure as a woman. (Our surgeries are completely free for charge)

This is why your recent interview on TV5-world has caught our attention again. As you know, it has now been ten years since we first engaged in this battle that means a lot to you. But unfortunately, our humanitarian association is still unable to help these circumcised women in spite of the fact that our hospital has been fully equipped and operational to treat women for the past six months. To this end, you can imagine the frustration our four American doctors and surgeons experienced this past March when their temporary licenses to practice, which were initially issued by the Faso Board of Doctors, were arbitrarily revoked in the midst of a humanitarian undertaking that the First Lady of Burkina Faso holds so dear.

After listening to your speech on TV5 we would be more than happy to help you in this great humanitarian cause and await this opportunity with great enthusiasm. Your full support would be incredibly meaningful to the hundreds of women who are still waiting to be treated. It goes without saying that the sooner the better because each month that goes by without the use of our hospital is another cry of pain for these women who have been scarred by circumcision.

We eagerly wish to inaugurate our hospital on February 6, 2015, a day that the UN has decreed, "Zero Tolerance Day for FGM." On that day, we would be honored by your presence that you so generously promised in October 2013 and again in March 2014.

With your latest televised support for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation and the violence against women, we are confident that the administration of your country will reexamine our request with better judgment and facilitate the opening of our hospital dedicated to your cause. It is also our hope that this will be done prior to "Zero Tolerance Day to FGM" and without any problem for our American surgeon volunteers who dedicate part of their lives to this great humanitarian cause and who do not deserve to have their licenses revoked by the Burkinabe Board of Doctors for unsubstantiated reasons.

Our excised sisters deserve the best from all of us regardless of our individual spiritual differences. And what great opportunity to make it happen in Burkina Faso, the best example of this rich and respectful symbiosis of diverse spiritual communities.

We hope to hear from you soon.

In the meantime, please accept, Madam, our warmest regards.

Nadine Gary

Communications Director

Clitoraid and Raelian Movement win major defamation case in West Africa

7月 06 2014, カテゴリー: プレスリリース
Obstetrician/gynecologist who opposed AVFE/CLITORAID Kamkaso Hospital opening must pay punitive damages

LAS VEGAS, July 7 – In a verdict released on June 30, the Ouagadougou Supreme Court of Burkina Faso, West Africa, found Professor Charlemagne Marie Ouedraogo guilty of defaming the Raelian Church of Bukina Faso. The court sentenced Ouedraogo to a stiff fine of 100, 000 FCFA plus 1 million FCFA in punitive damages, payable to the Raelian Church. He must also pay for the cost of the trial.

AVFE/Clitoraid’s Kamkaso Hospital, the world’s first clinic to offer free repair surgery for victims of female genital mutilation (FGM), had scheduled its grand opening for March 7, 2014, but Ouedraogo and others vigorously opposed it. Subsequently, Burkina Faso’s Health Minister issued a last-minute decision denying the facility the right to open.

“That decision caused continued suffering and disappointment for our patients, many of whom had traveled long distances to have the surgery,” said Clitoraid Communications Director Nadine Gary. “Our volunteer doctors and nurses who had flown in from abroad to do the surgeries were shocked, as were the thousands of donors whose financial contributions made the hospital construction possible.”

Gary said Ouedraogo issued a defamatory letter on February 24, 2014, in which he referred to the Kamkaso Hospital project as “a big scam campaign organized by Rael’s cult.”

“He wrote that letter shortly after we issued a press release announcing the hospital opening, and his comments could easily have prompted the Health Minister’s decision,” Gary said. “In fact, the letter even included the statement, ‘The minister and the governor have decided to stop this intoxication campaign.’ At any rate, the Health Minister refused to grant us authorization to open the clinic, and after that, the Medical Association repealed our volunteer doctors’ licenses to practice in Burkina Faso.”

The Raelian Church and the AVFE/CLITORAID Association subsequently filed the defamation lawsuit against Ouedraogo.

“We’re elated with the court ruling,” Gary said. “Professor Ouedraogo and his supporters should be ashamed for blocking our humanitarian effort. They catered to personal interests at the expense of women who suffer daily from FGM effects. When our hospital finally opens to help them, it will be a great success story that people will talk about for years to come."
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